Всеукраинские гендерные школы [ожидает перевода]

School of Equal Opportunities on an extent already more than seven years conducts measures on prevention of trading in people, overcoming of all forms of gendernogo violence, claim of gendernogo equality in Ukrainian society. The on-line treningovye tutorials of SHRV engulf the wide spectrum of problems, touching, in particular, trading in children, their labour and sexual exploitation, defence of their rights. Work is conducted on a method "equal - to equal" in various forms and directions. It, at first, are allukrainian Summer and Winter schools. Young leaders from the different corners of Ukraine going for an exchange experience and search of innovative forms of work. The amount of young trainers, geared-up in Summer and Winter schools, makes more than 700 persons, amount of volunteers 10 000. In the regions they conduct informative work on prevention of trading in people, in particular by children, to warning of violence and counteraction commercial sexual exploitation of children. It is lectures, conversations, thematic discos, debates, trainings, issue of wall newspapers, participating in informative actions, leadthrough of own elucidative actions, press-conferences, round table.