
Within the framework  of operating project "Advokasi without scopes" appears help women in filiating and penalty of alimonies from the citizens of other countries. So, through the International association independent advocates were set paternity of child of the Ukrainian citizen P. 25 years from Poltava which fallen a prey sexual exploitation in Germanium and which the father of future child turned out pregnant from a country.

Lawyers from Germany, entering in the complement of Association, were able not only to prove, who is a father but also obtained assigning of alimonies for a child, and also set citizenship (German). A mother took title to return with a child to Germany as a guardian of the son. This history - not typical for postradavshikh from trading in people, however much it testifies brightly, that rights for women not only it is possible but also it is needed to protect.

The second history touches a woman, suffering from illegal labour migration in Greece. The citizen of M. 36 years from Kharkov worked as a laundress on a combine, attendant the network of local restaurants. For 14 clock in days it removed stain on especially dirty linen by insalubrious preparations. At first u M. the allergy of skin of hands and person began, later illness of lights appeared from poisonous fumes. But forced was M. to work off "debts", living and working in a half-dark basement apartment...

When quite took ill M., it was "helped" to return on a motherland. A woman went to Kharkov patient, broken illness after the year of exhausting work and practically out of cashs which now need were it on treatment.

Due to the help of international lawyers the proprietor of laundry, violating every human rights, was set. He was brought to the account, he was compelled fully to settle up with a victim and pay it indemnification for the lost health. Lawyers were able to convince people, knowing M. in Greece, testify in its benefit.