Contacts +38 (050) 462-43-26
For this direction activity the expert of School of Equal Opportunities, member of rule of Lyubomira Boychishin, is responsible, which heads the Womanish informative-rehabilitation center "Lyubomira", being permanent partner organization of SHRV simultaneously.
General projects during a few years were executed for women with the limited possibilities, and also for children and young people with the special necessities which took part also in the ordinary programs of School.
From 2002 of SHRV is a permanent participant of festivals "Believe in itself" for children with different problems. For every group, taking into account the necessities of participants and participants, trainings were separately developed, exercises and tasks sneaked up. Except for treningovoy work, to the participants and participants of festivals interactive mass actions and theatrical programs were offered.
Children and young people with the special necessities with large interest take part in the theatrical theatricals of the Gendernogo interactive theater. The star of theater was become by talented girl on a carriage Svetlana Patra (look a photo), which comes forward in theatricals, poetizes and music, sets example courage and persistence in gaining end to all persons of the same age and rovestnicam. From 2007 Svetlana is a student of the Opened university of development of man "Ukraine".
By school of Equal Opportunities specially for children and young people with the special necessities an elucidative-educate project was developed, raschitannyy on socially responsible business. Known today Point-of-sale Marka "Evrokredit" became the partner of this project all. Presentation, sacred to the International day of defence of children, took place on Junes, 3, 2005 in the modern seminar-hall of Center of congresses and exhibitions of firm "Vnesheksportbiznes".
The partnership between Eurocredit Trade Mark, introducing modern European business technologies on the Ukrainian market, and the International Equal Opportunity School, which in the Ukrainian youth environment embodies the latest technologies of peer education and training, taking into account the approaches of the past, has become the first step of a new form of cooperation between business and civil society.
Both organizations - commercial and public - successful, each - in the sphere of activity. Both have a social orientation a mission and purpose.
A "eurocredit" is known Point-of-sale Marka, creating the network of representative offices in all regions of Ukraine, its activity is directed on the wide circle of citizens on purpose enable them to promote the standard of living already today, due to new approach in crediting.Through a favour "Eurocredit" is had possibility to provide the necessities not only fully solvent citizens but also such unscreened categories of population as citizens with low profits and pensionaries which always were a risk group for many credit organizations.
School of Equal Opportunities also works on all territory of Ukraine, giving possibilities of personality growth and self-realization young people which aim to live in the new legal democratic state and be owners on the earth.
Signing the proper Memorandum, partners defined direction of general actions is a grant a help vulnerable and the least protected task forces, namely, to the children with disability and young people with the special necessities. But help not valid for one occasion, but changing consciousness, attitude toward life and its quality.
"Our decision to help invalids - children and young people - am absolutely conscious and grounded, - the member of Rule said on presentation of project TM "Eurocredit" Yaroslav Kopeckiy, - we understand perfectly, that today this group of citizens is isolated from the so-called "healthy part of society". They do not have a just access to medpomoschi and possibility of receipt of valuable education. Quite often the infrastructure of cities is not adjusted to the free movement of people with the limited physical possibilities. We must help children and young people with the special necessities to "believe in itself" - due to what will trust in them et al".
The leader of project on the first stage of his embodiment was a citizen of Poland, vice-president SHRV Piotr Mlonka.
A co-ordinator and consultant of project was Lyubomira Boychishin. In particular, under its guidance the specvypusk of magazine of "Lyubomira", counted not only on the participants of project but also on more wide circle of citizens with the special necessities, was geared-up.
The first general Summer School went well - 2005, which became the standard of inklyuzivnogo education and education.
"Eurocredit - to the children" is the first step of successful representatives of our society to meet that, who can become successful tomorrow. It is a general step in the civilized world.
+38 (050) 462-43-26
+38 (044) 275-14-68
03141, Україна, м. Київ, вул. Волгоградська, 23, оф. 32