Contacts +38 (050) 462-43-26
One of the most important tasks for us there is creation of safe environment for the Ukrainian young people by development and introduction of model of assistance self-realization and integration of young people in modern society and bringing in of it to the concrete operating under warning and overcoming of key public problems.
To date the real possibilities of young people to attain the acceptable level of safe environment very insignificant. It negatively influences on quality of life of young man, on his confidence in the future and vital prospects.
From data of Center of social ekpertiz, which conducted research within the framework of project "Creation of safe environment for the young people of Ukraine" of Program of development of UNO, socium which young people are in, needs usovershenstovanii and changes:
in Ukraine to date necessary principles absent in order that young people were in a position priniamt' participating in social and political life;
the modern system of education needs changes, necessary in an order to answer international standards, requirements of labour-market and necessities of young people;
3. quality of the Ukrainian system of zdravokhraneniya and its availability for young people are at low enough level, especially it touches medical organizations which are engaged in specific youth problems;
The internet remains a difficult of access informative resource for young people, but at the same time, from the certain point of view, dangerous. Safety in an internet-environment is an important problem which in Ukraine in general is not studied.
For providing of due strength security on the whole for young people needed:
political safety, which garanitiruet participation of young people in procesakh managements and political life of country, cities, sat down; self-government of young people and realization of its public rights;
economic security which is guaranteed by the competitiveness of young people at the market of labour, its competence, is in the spheres of enterprise and business;
social safety, which is guaranteed by access to high-quality education, high-quality medical service, propaganda of healthy way of life.
Within the framework of work of School in this direction we do an accent on these three components - political, economic and social safety. In the conditions of growth of unemployment and poverty, financial inequality, worsening of access to basic social services, education and medicine, distributions of alcoholism, drug addictions, risky sexual conduct and HIV/AIDS, trading in children, criminality and offences - safety of young people is today a "task one number".
From trainings to the interactive theater, from work in small groups to the discussions in "open-space" or in a club "Young People and policy" principle is "equal - to equal", in accordance with which all work is conducted at School, acquires new sense and opens new possibilities as modern social pedagogical technology, which is able to change consciousness of society, create in truth a safe environment for life, health, self-affirmation of every personality.
Leaning against long-term experience, can assert that the construction of democratic society is possible only on condition of active voice of young people. Approach is "equal for this reason - equal" mozhna to attribute to the grade of policy, that we want to prove in the process of implementation of our statute tasks.
+38 (050) 462-43-26
+38 (044) 275-14-68
03141, Україна, м. Київ, вул. Волгоградська, 23, оф. 32