Resolution 1325 as an instrument for equality, justice and peace

Дата: 10.12.2016

Resolution 1325 as an instrument for equality, justice and peace

Project goal: working out ways and mechanisms of joint participation in the implementation of the National Action Plan for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution No. 1325 at the local level in a number of regions with the subsequent dissemination of the experience gained throughout the country.


The project aims to:

  • Broad public awareness of UN Security Council Resolution No. 1325 and the importance of the role of women in maintaining and strengthening peace and security, as well as state measures to implement it - through 10 information campaigns with the participation of theater, 6 round tables, 10 dialogues in the format of forum-theater , film screening, press publications.
  • Increasing the responsibility of local authorities for the implementation of the National Action Plan, in particular, to take into account the needs of women, representatives of the military and to involve them in peacebuilding and decision-making processes - through the development and adoption of local action plans and the creation of interdepartmental working groups with the involvement of women for their implementation.
  • Raising awareness of target groups and government officials responsible for the implementation of the National Action Plan about UNSCR 1325 and the need for women to participate in peacekeeping processes - through 20 training sessions.
  • Establishing cooperation of gender-oriented organizations with representatives of the authorities responsible for the implementation of the National and local action plans; ensuring the participation of all parties in the implementation of selective monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the plan on the ground - through joint actions, the development and adoption of a monitoring map and evaluation indicators.
  • Participation in the preparation of the State Report on the implementation of the National Action Plan - through joint expert meetings, consultations and monitoring of its implementation.
  • Development of technologies for conducting information and mass media campaigns, dialogue on resolving the conflict using the forum theater, creating theatrical performances and the like.


Financing of UWF, Iryna Kolkovska <>