Mutual trust and joint efforts of the authorities and society are the key to the development of the city and improve the quality of human life

Дата: 20.10.2016

Mutual trust and joint efforts of the authorities and society are the key to the development of the city and improve the quality of human life

In November 2016, in the city of Zolotonosha, the project "Mutual trust and joint efforts of the authorities and society is a guarantee of the development of the city and improvement of the quality of human life." The project is aimed at further building a strong community in the city, building trust and understanding among various groups of the population.

The project provides for broad participation of activists and all interested residents of Zolotonosha. It is based on the best examples of recovery in European and other countries after a period of decline. This restoration begins with local communities and, as practice has shown, people have been and remain the main success factor everywhere. They are the very main resource that is not subject to corruption. It cannot be bought, it is impossible not to reckon with it.

But every time a question arises; how can changes be made? How to unite? How do you define a common goal? And how to bring it to life?

Within the framework of the project, the best methods are used, taking into account the mistakes made in other countries, a joint program has been produced that will help to implement what can only be achieved by the joint efforts of city residents and the will of government officials.

During the project, trainings, seminars, a lot of practice and, of course, support of qualified specialists are held to implement the plans developed in the process.

An important element of the project is the use of the forum theater methodology in conducting dialogues of the city community. Within the framework of the project, in the town of Zolotonosha, a number of trainings were held on the use of ART technologies in resolving conflicts and misunderstandings.

All those who are not indifferent to the further development of the city can take part in the project.

The project is implemented by Zolotonosha City Council in cooperation with the public organization "Kyiv School of Equal Opportunities" in partnership with NGO "Chuda" with the support of the Black Sea Regional Cooperation Trust (BST), a project of the US German Marshall Fund and the US Agency for International Development.

Main project activities:

  1. Round table with representatives of local authorities and civil society with the presentation of the project and discussion of its implementation
  2. Developing guidelines for interviewing community members according to their needs and priorities
  3. Creation of local initiative groups from among representatives of various social strata
  4. Creation and further development of an information site -
  5. Preparing initiative groups to conduct a survey of members of the urban community
  6. Conducting a survey of community members
  7. Analysis of the survey results - its presentation on the project website
  8. Summarizing the results of interviews with representatives of CSOs and local authorities
  9. Conducting trainings on communication, a roadmap for the transition period, as well as preparing representatives of target groups to join actions and cooperation, discussions, joint group work.
  10. Development of a script for holding a forum theater as a form of discussion for resolving crisis issues
  11. Conducting discussions in the community using the forum theater
  12. Conducting sessions for representatives of target groups in the development of annual plans of joint actions and identifying activities for the near future
  13. Providing on the spot (offline) and at a distance (online) consulting of working groups and individual representatives of the city community on the implementation of their general and personal plans
  14. Development of a methodological guide for the transition period of the community, individuals, including HPV, families of military personnel and people affected by conflict
  15. Placement of relevant information on the websites of the project and the city
  16. Collaboration with local media

Additional Information:

Irina Konchenkova: 050 462 43 26

Valery Danilin: 067 505 32 26